Awaken Your Soul, Unlock Your Potential

with Jane Dobson

My Purpose

To share proven life-changing strategies and tools that clear away old stored beliefs and programmes. Welcoming in and reigniting the remembering of why we are here and what we are here to do.

Who Am I

A woman on a journey, sharing the knowledge and wisdom that has transformed her life with the intention that these tools will also help you become empowered.

The Why

To inspire, encourage and support others to find their own WHY, WHAT, HOW and WHO.  And to show others that this job we call life, “we can’t get it wrong”.

  • Multi Dimensional Energy Healing

    Multi-Dimensional Energy Healing

    Multi-Dimensional Healing is the beautiful process whereby the practitioner/healer is simply a channel, a bridge whereby the energy of the Angelic Kingdom is passed onto the recipient/client. Its basis and its means of transmission are through the traditional symbols of Reiki with the connection to the beautiful Archangels and Angels of Light. These sessions are very peaceful, loving and can be very transformative. This system of healing is now taught throughout the world.

  • Past Life Regression

    Past Life Regression

    Healing the past to embrace the potential of your future. Past Life regression is the accessing of images, experience and information through an altered state of consciousness. Deeply buried attitudes, emotions, memories, fears or experiences negatively affecting us in the present are identified, allowing them to be understood and released. This allows healing and greater freedom in the current life. Past Life Regression is a powerful healing modality that can change lives.

  • Inner Child Healing

    Inner Child Healing

    We have all held onto hurt feelings and/or fearful thoughts at various times in our life. If we are able to express our feelings and forgive those we perceive to have hurt us, we can then release the energy that had a hold over us. Forgiveness is a powerful healing technique and forgiving ourselves is important also.

    Inner Child/forgiveness work can bring more joy, a healthier body and a happier mind. This work helps to release the parts of us that are locked in childhood traumas and negative experiences of the past.

    In this treatment, the practitioner will help release this negative energy from the body, heal the emotional responses and reframe the mental conclusions. This leads us to greater wholeness, allowing us to express who we truly are - our authentic Self.

  • Access Consciousness Bars

    Access Consciousness Bars

    Access Consciousness Bars is a gentle touch hands-on alternative therapy technique that uses 32 points on the head that when touched can stimulate positive change in the brain, release physical and mental blocks stored in the body, facilitating greater ease in all areas of life.

    Access Consciousness Bars is a relaxing and nurturing process that has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their lives and bodies including stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, overall health, weight, body image, sleep, abundance, relationships, and more.

Leyah. M

“Jane is an incredible healer, holds space with grace and has a deep connection to the divine.”

Jacqui. T

“From my first session with Jane, I felt freer to be myself and just enjoy life more.”