Hi, I’m Jane Dobson.
I read somewhere that when the universe gets tired of waiting it gives you a push. Maybe this is true, maybe not but either way my life changed completely in 2017. I see now with clearer eyes that yes it was a push out of the nest, out of the familiar and known and into a new way of being. With hindsight, I see that this was happening “for me” not to me but it took me some time to know and understand this.
In the early hours of 6th December, 2017 a fire broke out in our family home and within minutes our home of 21 years was burnt to the ground. In the ensuing chaos my beautiful husband was badly burnt and after a month fighting for his life in ICU he passed away from his injuries. Bruce and I had been together for nearly 30 years, so it was a big shock, I never imagined he wouldn't survive.
Fast forward ... I am unsure how long after but I had a moment, it was a pivotal moment actually. Some would say it must have been when my husband died, or when our family home burnt down but actually, this defining moment came sitting on the toilet (sorry TMI!!). I looked out the window and I just felt so sad being sad, and a little voice inside my head said “Well what are you going to do about it?” And I made a decision at that moment that I was going to make contact with my husband, Bruce. At that moment I was 100% ALL IN and that is how my journey began.
One of my husband’s mottos was “Find a reason to say yes” and I went on a “Yes” crusade. I said “Yes” to everything that came my way, courses, meditations, workshops, spiritual retreats, books, trainings, attunements and many teachings.
These gifts and teachings have continued to flow to me, but the greatest gift of all was that in the pursuit of trying to find my husband, I found myself. In my commitment to keep the deep love I had for my husband alive, I discovered an even greater love, a love for myself. The love my husband had for me and the light he saw within me, well the old version of me just didn't understand. I’m excited to say that now I understand what he was talking about!! I am excited to share with you all the tools I used (and continue to use) to discover my light.
PS: I have made contact with my husband and speak to him when I need to, he’s my #1 fan!!